
Yearly Stats

Gesamte Spielzeit: 175.17 h
Verteilt auf 159 Sessions

Gespielte Spiele:

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain (PS4): 37.58 h
Watch Dogs 2 (PS4): 24.08 h
Need For Speed (PS4): 22.83 h
Deus Ex Mankind Divided (PS4): 13.67 h
Uncharted 4 (PS4): 12.83 h
Sherlock Holmes: The Devils Daughter (PS4): 11.42 h
Tales from the Borderlands (PS4): 8.42 h
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders (PS4): 6.08 h
Forza Horizon 2 (Xbox One): 6.00 h
The Crew (PS4): 5.42 h
Battlefield 1 (PS4): 5.08 h
The Walking Dead Michonne (PS4): 3.83 h
Grim Fandango (PS4): 3.50 h
Shadow Complex Remastered (PS4): 2.83 h
SOMA (PS4): 1.75 h
Skate 3 (Xbox 360): 1.75 h
Assassins Creed Syndicate (PS4): 1.58 h
Star Wars Battlefront (PS4): 1.50 h
Infinite Air (PS4): 1.50 h
SNOW (PS4): 1.50 h
Her Story (PC): 1.00 h
Super Mario World (SNES): 0.50 h
The Jackbox Party Pack 2 (PS4): 0.50 h

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